The mystery of the origin of life is a mission that should be solved during this century. This topic is intimately related to the question, "what is life?" Regarding the origins of life, there have been heated discussions about which world came first: the RNA, protein, or lipid world. Each researcher promotes his or her favorite world. However, life could not been realized without synergetic interplay between all three of these worlds. One plausible approach to understanding the origin of life is to synthesize a model protocell that biochemically involves these three worlds. In this symposium, representative researchers at the forefront of this topic will gather together to discuss the latest findings. The discussion should reveal the mechanism through which hierarchical dynamics as a life, such as self-proliferation and evolution, emerge from the elements of primitive model protocells. This symposium is expected to provide a universal understanding of cellular life and to present a clear perspective of this research field through synergetic cooperation among three worlds.
Date & Venue
- May 29-30, 2017
- The main auditorium,
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences,
The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan
Important dates
- Deadline for Registration
- May 1, 2017 May 15, 2017
- Deadline for abstract submission
- May 1, 2017

MEXT, Japan
Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure:
Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems

MEXT, Japan
Hadean Bioscience

for the Promotion of Science