
A02 KUDO, Kazue |Proposed Research Projects (2014-2015)

Paper | Original Paper


*Kazue Kudo and Yuki Kawaguchi,
Coarsening dynamics driven by vortex-antivortex annihilation in ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensates,
Physical Review A 91, 053609/1-8 (2015).

[Summary] In ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), the quadratic Zeeman effect controls magnetic anisotropy, which affects magnetic domain pattern formation. While the longitudinal magnetization is dominant (similar to the Ising model) for a negative quadratic Zeeman energy, the transverse magnetization is dominant (similar to the XY model) for a positive one. When the quadratic Zeeman energy is positive, the coarsening dynamics is driven by vortex-antivortex annihilation in the same way as the XY model. However, due to a superfluid flow of atoms, there exist several combinations of vortex-antivortex pairs in ferromagnetic BECs, which makes the coarsening dynamics more complicated than that of the XY model. We propose a revised domain growth law, which is based on the growth law of the two-dimensional XY model, for a two-dimensional ferromagnetic BEC with a positive quadratic Zeeman energy.

International Conferences



*Kazue Kudo,
Domain Pattern Formation in Ferromagnets and Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates,
EMN Open Access Week 2015 (Sep. 22-25, 2015), Chengdu, China.


*Kazue Kudo, Yuki Kawaguchi,
Coarsening Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein Condensates,
International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015 (SFS2015) (Aug. 20-23, 2015), Kyoto, Japan.

*Reika Ushijima, Kazue Kudo,
Pattern Formation in Drying Paint,
International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015 (SFS2015) (Aug. 20-23, 2015), Kyoto, Japan.



*Kazue Kudo, Masahiko Suzuki, Kazuki Kojima, Tsuneo Yasue, Noriko Akutsu, Hideaki Kasai, Wilson Agerico Dino, Ernst Bauer, and Takanori Koshiwaka,
Simulations of magnetic domain patterns on Co/Ni multilayers,
LEEM/PEEM 9 (Sep. 14-18, 2014), Berlin, Germany.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure : Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems