Symposium /Seminar

Current and Future Perspectives in Active Matter

28 - 29 October, 2016
28(Fri.) : 10:00-18:00, 29(Sat.) : 9:30-16:30
The University of Tokyo
Nov. 28 morning: Faculty of Science Chemistry Bldg., Auditorium
Nov. 28 Afternoon and Nov. 29: Faculty of Science Bldg.4, Room 1220
Nov. 29 Faculty of Science Bldg.4, Room 1220
Masaki Sano (Univ. Tokyo)
28 October (Friday)
Session I: Various Interactions vs. Universality in the Standard Model
10:00-10:35Ryo Suzuki (Kyoto University)
Experimental investigation of polar pattern formation in driven filament systems through collisions
10:35-11:10Daiki Nishiguchi (Univ. Tokyo)
Long-range nematic order and anomalous fluctuations in suspensions of swimming filamentous bacteria
11:10-11:45Sakurako Tanida (Univ. Tokyo)
Configuring Dynamic Patterns of Microtubules Driven by Kinesins
11:45-12:20Yusuke Maeda (Kyushu University)
Geometry and boundary control of collective motion in bacteria suspensions
13:30-14:30Fernando Peruani (University of Niece)
From orientational order to topological defects and from self-propelled rods to active nematics
14:30:15:05Ken Nagai (JAIST)
Collective vortex formation of living things in 2D plane
15:05-15:40Contributed Talk: Tosif Ahamed (OIST)
Behavioral Embedding Suggests Coupled Chaotic Oscillators Underlie C. elegans Locomotion
15:40-16:00Coffee Break
Session II: Cytoskeleton Dynamics, Mathematical Modeling
16:00-16:35Akatsuki Kimura (National Institute of Genetics)
Microtubule-dependent cytoplasmic streaming in the nematode zygote
16:35-17:10Tetsuya Hiraiwa (Univ. Tokyo)
Theory on active stress generation in an actomyosin network
17:10-17:45Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba University)
Spontaneous motion driven by interfacial tension gradient
17:45-18:20Takao Ohta (Uni. Tokyo, Toyota Research Institute)
Simple physical model for cell crawling
29 October (Saturday)
Session III: Biological Active Matter, Flagella and Hydrodynamics, Modeling
9:00- 9:35Takayuki Nishizaka (Gakushuin University)
Visualization of dynamics of motors in archaella and type IV pili system
9:35-10:10Nariya Uchida (Tohoku University)
Collective dynamics of flagella, cilia and active filaments near surfaces
10:10-10:45Yoshihiro Murayama (Tokyo Univ. Agri. Tech.)
Why does a somatic cell of Volvox have two flagella?
10:45-11:00Coffee Break
Session IV: Modeling Cell Population
11:00-11:35Shuji Ishihara (Meiji University)
Continuum model for passive and active deformation of epithelial tissue
11:35-12:10Katsuhiko Sato (Hokkaido University)
Left-right asymmetric cell intercalation drives directional collective cell movement in epithelial morphogenesis
12:10-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30Poster Session
Session IV: Synthetic Active Matter
14:30-15:30Ryo Yoshida (Univ. Tokyo)
Self-oscillating polymer gels as active matter
15:30-16:05Kei Fujiwara (Keio University)
A bacterial reaction-diffusion system entrapped in artificial cells
16:05-16:40Natsuto Yoshinaga (Tohoku University)
The Hydrodynamic Interaction and Collective Behaviours of Self-Propelled Particles and Drops
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure : Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems