International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015

- Date
- August 20 (THU) - 23 (SUN), 2015
- Venue
- Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Latest News
- August. 27, 2015
The photographs can be seen here.
- August 11, 2015
- Guidelines for poster presentations is here.
- August 11, 2015
- Important notice about on-site registration is here.
- July 17, 2015
- Symposium program is updated.
- May 27, 2015
- Symposium program is updated.
- May 7, 2015
- Abstract submission is now closed.
- Jan. 19, 2015
- We are now accepting registration and abstract submission.
- Oct. 16, 2014
Symposium poster can be downloaded here.
- Sep. 1, 2014
- Symposium website has started.
Related Meeting
YKIS2015 "New Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics 2015"
- Date
- August 17 (MON) - 19 (WED), 2015
- Venue
- Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, Japan
Sponsored by

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure : Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems"