
A03 MAEDA, Yusuke T. |Proposed Research Projects (2016-2017)

Paper | Original Paper


Kazusa Beppu, Ziane, Izri, Jun Gohya, Kanta Eto, Masatoshi Ichikawa, and *Yusuke T. Maeda,
Geometry-driven collective ordering of bacterial vortices,
Soft Matter 13, 5038 (2017).

[Summary] Controlling the phases of matter is a challenge that spans from condensed materials to biological systems. Here, by imposing a geometric boundary condition, we study the controlled collective motion of Escherichia coli bacteria. A circular microwell isolates a rectified vortex from disordered vortices masked in the bulk. For a doublet of microwells, two vortices emerge but their spinning directions show transition from parallel to anti-parallel. A Vicsek-like model for confined self-propelled particles gives the point where the two spinning patterns occur in equal probability and one geometric quantity governs the transition as seen in experiments. This mechanism shapes rich patterns including chiral configurations in a quadruplet of microwells, thus revealing a design principle of active vortices.

International Conferences



Shimpei Nogami, Takaharu Shiraki, *Yusuke T. Maeda,
Molecular transport and polymerization in prebiotic field out of equilibrium,
The Origin of Life -Synergy among the RNA, Protein, and Lipid Worlds- (May 29-30, 2017), Tokyo, Japan.



*Yusuke T. Maeda, and Tatsuya Fukuyama,
Hydrodynamics and enzymatic reaction in moving thermal gradients,
International Workshop on Hydrodynamic Flows in/of Cells (Nov. 24-25, 2016), Tokyo, Japan.

Yusuke T. Maeda,
Geometry and boundary control of collective motion in bacteria suspensions,
Current and Future Perspectives in Active Matter (Oct. 28-29, 2016), Tokyo, Japan.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure : Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems