Description of Research Area
A04: Synergy | Proposed Research Projects (2014-2015)
Direct Numerical Simulations for the Dynamics of Model Microorganisms |
LeaderYAMAMOTO, Ryoichi Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University
Research SubjectMicroorganisms self-propel actively in water with unique manners (Fig.(b)) which are quite different not only from artificial objects (ships, airplanes, …) but also from other larger scale living matters (insects, fishes, …). We now know that active matter systems can exhibit physical properties that are completely different from their equilibrium non-active counterparts including anomalous behaviors in the dispersion viscosity (Fig.(a)). However, our knowledge of these systems remains limited, because the tools needed to study them have not been developed until now. The purpose of this research project is to study the collective dynamical properties of active soft matter systems. In particular, we would like to investigate, and hopefully answer, two of the most pressing questions in the field. |
Research Partner