Description of Research Area

Research Projects | Proposed Research Projects (2016-17) | Proposed Research Projects (2014-15)

Proposed Research Projects (2014-2015)

A01: Fundamental
Swarming of Active Matters Subjected to Colored Orientational Noise via the Orientational Interaction
LeaderNAGAI, Ken H.School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Towards Microscopic Expressions for Statistical Parameters of Earthquake and Fracture
LeaderHATANO, TakahiroEarthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
Creation and Annihilation of Fractionally-Charged Quasiparticles in Quantum Hall Junctions
LeaderHASHISAKA, MasayukiDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Strange Patterns of Atomic Steps Induced by Moving Source of Adatoms
LeaderSATO, MasahideInformation Media Center, Kanazawa University
Search for Fundamental Laws of Non-Equilibrium Steady States by Using the Gauge/Gravity Duality
LeaderNAKAMURA, ShinDepartment of Physics, Chuo University
Characterizations of Nonequilibrium Nature for Soft Matters under a Temperature Gradient throughout the Soret Coefficient Measurements
LeaderKITA, RioDepartment of Physics, Tokai University
A02: Space-time
Glass Transition of Liquids Consisting of Globular Associates as Model Systems for Glass Study
LeaderSAITO, KazuyaFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences,
University of Tsukuba
Observation of Non-Equilibrium Phenomena for Cold Atoms in an Optical Lattice by Using an Atom Gas Microscope and an Artificial Gauge Field
LeaderKOZUMA, MikioDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institue of Technology
Dynamics and Control of Rhythmic Spatiotemporal Patterns in Non-Equilibrium Systems
LeaderNAKAO, HiroyaGraduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Self-Organization Affected by the Flow of Fluid in Quantum Condensate and Soft Matter systems
LeaderKUDO, KazueDepartment of Information Sciences,
Ochanomizu University
Dynamics of Topological Defects in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
LeaderKOBAYASHI, MichikazuDepartment of Physics, Kyoto University
A03: Function
Spatiotemporal Fluctuations in Cell-Cell Interactions Investigated by Scanning Probe Microscopy
LeaderOKAJIMA, TakaharuGraduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University
Hydrodynamic Effects in Collective Motion of Self-Driven Elements at Low Reynolds Number
LeaderUCHIDA, NariyaDepartment of Physics, Tohoku University
Collective Behavior of Active Soft Matters: Toward Tissue Dynamics
LeaderYOSHINAGA, NatsuhikoWPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research,
Tohoku University
Construction of Fatty Acid Synthesis within Giant Unilameller Vesicles: Observation and Analysis of its Physicochemical Dynamics
LeaderKURUMA, YutetsuEarth-Life Science Institute,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Composite Vesicles toward a Nonequilibrium Cell-Model System
LeaderHAMADA, TsutomuSchool of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Progression of Gastric Cancers Induced by Morphological Fluctuation out of Equilibrium
LeaderTANAKA, MotomuInstitute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences,
Kyoto University
Molecular Dynamics of Crescent-Shape Determination of Motile Cells
LeaderIWADATE, YoshiakiDepartment of Functional Molecular Biology, Yamaguchi University
Large-Scale Vortex Motion of Bacteria Originated from Characteristics of the Single Gliding Machinery Unit
LeaderNISHIZAKA, TakayukiFaculty of Science, Gakushuin University
Free Energy Transduction by F1-ATPase and Nonequilibrium Fluctuation
LeaderMUNEYUKI, EiroDepartment of Physics, Chuo University
A04: Synergy
The Origin and Role of Spatial Correlations of Anomalous Hydrodynamic Transport in Supercooled Liquids
LeaderFURUKAWA, AkiraInstitute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Development of Spectroscopic Imaging of Charge Fluctuations: Exploration of Spatial Fluctuation Patterns in Solids
LeaderKAWANO, YukioQuantum Nanoelectronics Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Direct Numerical Simulations for the Dynamics of Model Microorganisms
LeaderYAMAMOTO, RyoichiDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University
Anomalous Diffusion Caused by Negative Correlation
LeaderSAKAUE, TakahiroDepartment of Physics, Kyushu University
Studies of Quantum Turbulence from the Viewpoint of "Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure"
LeaderTSUBOTA, MakotoDepartment of Physics, Osaka City University

Research Projects | Proposed Research Projects (2016-17) | Proposed Research Projects (2014-15)

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure : Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems